#!/usr/bin/env python2 # -*- coding: utf8 -*- import argparse import os import shutil import subprocess import sys import tempfile import backend import fetcher import tearpages import tools from bibtexparser.bparser import BibTexParser from codecs import open from config import config EDITOR = os.environ.get('EDITOR') if os.environ.get('EDITOR') else 'vim' def checkBibtex(filename, bibtex_string): print("The bibtex entry found for "+filename+" is:") bibtex = BibTexParser(bibtex_string) bibtex = bibtex.get_entry_dict() try: bibtex = bibtex[bibtex.keys()[0]] # Check entries are correct assert bibtex['title'] if bibtex['type'] == 'article': assert bibtex['authors'] elif bibtex['type'] == 'book': assert bibtex['author'] assert bibtex['year'] # Print the bibtex and confirm print(tools.parsed2Bibtex(bibtex)) check = tools.rawInput("Is it correct? [Y/n] ") except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit() except: check = 'n' try: old_filename = bibtex['file'] except: old_filename = False while check.lower() == 'n': with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".tmp") as tmpfile: tmpfile.write(bibtex_string) tmpfile.flush() subprocess.call([EDITOR, tmpfile.name]) tmpfile.seek(0) bibtex = BibTexParser(tmpfile.read()+"\n") bibtex = bibtex.get_entry_dict() try: bibtex = bibtex[bibtex.keys()[0]] except: tools.warning("Invalid bibtex entry") bibtex_string = '' tools.rawInput("Press Enter to go back to editor.") continue if('authors' not in bibtex and 'title' not in bibtex and 'year' not in bibtex): tools.warning("Invalid bibtex entry") bibtex_string = '' tools.rawInput("Press Enter to go back to editor.") continue if old_filename is not False and 'file' not in bibtex: tools.warning("Invalid bibtex entry. No filename given.") tools.rawInput("Press Enter to go back to editor.") check = 'n' else: bibtex_string = tools.parsed2Bibtex(bibtex) print("\nThe bibtex entry for "+filename+" is:") print(bibtex_string) check = tools.rawInput("Is it correct? [Y/n] ") if old_filename is not False and old_filename != bibtex['file']: try: print("Moving file to new location…") shutil.move(old_filename, bibtex['file']) except: tools.warning("Unable to move file "+old_filename+" to " + bibtex['file']+". You should check it manually.") return bibtex def addFile(src, filetype, manual, autoconfirm, tag): """ Add a file to the library """ doi = False arxiv = False isbn = False if not manual: try: if filetype == 'article' or filetype is None: doi = fetcher.findDOI(src) if doi is False and (filetype == 'article' or filetype is None): arxiv = fetcher.findArXivId(src) if filetype == 'book' or (doi is False and arxiv is False and filetype is None): isbn = fetcher.findISBN(src) except KeyboardInterrupt: doi = False arxiv = False isbn = False if doi is False and isbn is False and arxiv is False: if filetype is None: tools.warning("Could not determine the DOI nor the arXiv id nor " + "the ISBN for "+src+". Switching to manual entry.") doi_arxiv_isbn = '' while(doi_arxiv_isbn not in ['doi', 'arxiv', 'isbn', 'manual', 'skip']): doi_arxiv_isbn = (tools.rawInput("DOI / arXiv " + "/ ISBN / manual / skip? "). lower()) if doi_arxiv_isbn == 'doi': doi = tools.rawInput('DOI? ') elif doi_arxiv_isbn == 'arxiv': arxiv = tools.rawInput('arXiv id? ') elif doi_arxiv_isbn == 'isbn': isbn = tools.rawInput('ISBN? ') elif doi_arxiv_isbn == 'skip': return False elif filetype == 'article': tools.warning("Could not determine the DOI nor the arXiv id for " + src+", switching to manual entry.") doi_arxiv = '' while doi_arxiv not in ['doi', 'arxiv', 'manual', 'skip']: doi_arxiv = (tools.rawInput("DOI / arXiv / manual / skip? "). lower()) if doi_arxiv == 'doi': doi = tools.rawInput('DOI? ') elif doi_arxiv == 'arxiv': arxiv = tools.rawInput('arXiv id? ') elif doi_arxiv == 'skip': return False elif filetype == 'book': isbn_manual = '' while isbn_manual not in ['isbn', 'manual', 'skip']: isbn_manual = tools.rawInput("ISBN / manual / skip? ").lower() if isbn_manual == 'isbn': isbn = (tools.rawInput('ISBN? '). replace(' ', ''). replace('-', '')) elif isbn_manual == 'skip': return False elif doi is not False: print("DOI for "+src+" is "+doi+".") elif arxiv is not False: print("ArXiv id for "+src+" is "+arxiv+".") elif isbn is not False: print("ISBN for "+src+" is "+isbn+".") if doi is not False and doi != '': # Add extra \n for bibtexparser bibtex = fetcher.doi2Bib(doi).strip().replace(',', ",\n")+"\n" elif arxiv is not False and arxiv != '': bibtex = fetcher.arXiv2Bib(arxiv).strip().replace(',', ",\n")+"\n" elif isbn is not False and isbn != '': # Idem bibtex = fetcher.isbn2Bib(isbn).strip()+"\n" else: bibtex = '' bibtex = BibTexParser(bibtex) bibtex = bibtex.get_entry_dict() if len(bibtex) > 0: bibtex_name = bibtex.keys()[0] bibtex = bibtex[bibtex_name] bibtex_string = tools.parsed2Bibtex(bibtex) else: bibtex_string = '' if not autoconfirm: bibtex = checkBibtex(src, bibtex_string) if not autoconfirm: tag = tools.rawInput("Tag for this paper (leave empty for default) ? ") else: tag = args.tag bibtex['tag'] = tag new_name = backend.getNewName(src, bibtex, tag) while os.path.exists(new_name): tools.warning("file "+new_name+" already exists.") default_rename = new_name.replace(tools.getExtension(new_name), " (2)"+tools.getExtension(new_name)) rename = tools.rawInput("New name ["+default_rename+"]? ") if rename == '': new_name = default_rename else: new_name = rename bibtex['file'] = new_name try: shutil.copy2(src, new_name) except IOError: new_name = False sys.exit("Unable to move file to library dir " + config.get("folder")+".") # Remove first page of IOP papers try: if 'IOP' in bibtex['publisher'] and bibtex['type'] == 'article': tearpages.main(new_name) except: pass backend.bibtexAppend(bibtex) return new_name def editEntry(entry, file_id='both'): bibtex = backend.getBibtex(entry, file_id) if bibtex is False: tools.warning("Entry "+entry+" does not exist.") return False if file_id == 'file': filename = entry else: filename = bibtex['file'] new_bibtex = checkBibtex(filename, tools.parsed2Bibtex(bibtex)) # Tag update if new_bibtex['tag'] != bibtex['tag']: print("Editing tag, moving file.") new_name = backend.getNewName(new_bibtex['file'], new_bibtex, new_bibtex['tag']) while os.path.exists(new_name): tools.warning("file "+new_name+" already exists.") default_rename = new_name.replace(tools.getExtension(new_name), " (2)" + tools.getExtension(new_name)) rename = tools.rawInput("New name ["+default_rename+"]? ") if rename == '': new_name = default_rename else: new_name = rename new_bibtex['file'] = new_name try: shutil.move(bibtex['file'], new_bibtex['file']) except: raise Exception('Unable to move file '+bibtex['file']+' to ' + new_bibtex['file'] + ' according to tag edit.') try: if not os.listdir(os.path.dirname(bibtex['file'])): os.rmdir(os.path.dirname(bibtex['file'])) except: tools.warning("Unable to delete empty tag dir " + os.path.dirname(bibtex['file'])) try: with open(config.get("folder")+'index.bib', 'r', encoding='utf-8') \ as fh: index = BibTexParser(fh.read()) index = index.get_entry_dict() except: tools.warning("Unable to open index file.") return False index[new_bibtex['id']] = new_bibtex backend.bibtexRewrite(index) return True def downloadFile(url, filetype, manual, autoconfirm, tag): print('Downloading '+url) dl, contenttype = fetcher.download(url) if dl is not False: print('Download finished') tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.'+contenttype) with open(tmp.name, 'w+') as fh: fh.write(dl) new_name = addFile(tmp.name, filetype, manual, autoconfirm, tag) if new_name is False: return False tmp.close() return new_name else: tools.warning("Could not fetch "+url) return False def openFile(ident): try: with open(config.get("folder")+'index.bib', 'r', encoding='utf-8') \ as fh: bibtex = BibTexParser(fh.read()) bibtex = bibtex.get_entry_dict() except: tools.warning("Unable to open index file.") return False if ident not in bibtex.keys(): return False else: subprocess.Popen(['xdg-open', bibtex[ident]['file']]) return True def resync(): diff = backend.diffFilesIndex() if diff is False: return False for key in diff: entry = diff[key] if entry['file'] == '': print("\nFound entry in index without associated file: " + entry['id']) print("Title:\t"+entry['title']) loop = True while confirm: filename = tools.rawInput("File to import for this entry " + "(leave empty to delete the " + "entry)? ") if filename == '': break else: if 'doi' in entry.keys(): doi = fetcher.findDOI(filename) if doi is not False and doi != entry['doi']: loop = tools.rawInput("Found DOI does not " + "match bibtex entry " + "DOI, continue anyway " + "? [y/N]") loop = (loop.lower() != 'y') if 'Eprint' in entry.keys(): arxiv = fetcher.findArXivId(filename) if arxiv is not False and arxiv != entry['Eprint']: loop = tools.rawInput("Found arXiv id does " + "not match bibtex " + "entry arxiv id, " + "continue anyway ? [y/N]") loop = (loop.lower() != 'y') if 'isbn' in entry.keys(): isbn = fetcher.findISBN(filename) if isbn is not False and isbn != entry['isbn']: loop = tools.rawInput("Found ISBN does not " + "match bibtex entry " + "ISBN, continue anyway " + "? [y/N]") loop = (loop.lower() != 'y') continue if filename == '': backend.deleteId(entry['id']) print("Deleted entry \""+entry['id']+"\".") else: new_name = backend.getNewName(filename, entry) try: shutil.copy2(filename, new_name) print("Imported new file "+filename+" for entry " + entry['id']+".") except IOError: new_name = False sys.exit("Unable to move file to library dir " + config.get("folder")+".") backend.bibtexEdit(entry['id'], {'file': filename}) else: print("Found file without any associated entry in index:") print(entry['file']) action = '' while action.lower() not in ['import', 'delete']: action = tools.rawInput("What to do? [import / delete] ") action = action.lower() if action == 'import': tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() shutil.copy(entry['file'], tmp.name) filetype = tools.getExtension(entry['file']) try: os.remove(entry['file']) except: tools.warning("Unable to delete file "+entry['file']) if not addFile(tmp.name, filetype): tools.warning("Unable to reimport file "+entry['file']) tmp.close() else: backend.deleteFile(entry['file']) print(entry['file'] + " removed from disk and " + "index.") # Check for empty tag dirs for i in os.listdir(config.get("folder")): if os.path.isdir(i) and not os.listdir(config.get("folder") + i): try: os.rmdir(config.get("folder") + i) except: tools.warning("Found empty tag dir "+config.get("folder") + i + " but could not delete it.") def update(entry): update = backend.updateArXiv(entry) if update is not False: print("New version found for "+entry) print("\t Title: "+update['title']) confirm = tools.rawInput("Download it ? [Y/n] ") if confirm.lower() == 'n': return new_name = downloadFile('http://arxiv.org/pdf/'+update['eprint'], 'article', False) if new_name is not False: print(update['eprint']+" successfully imported as "+new_name) else: tools.warning("An error occurred while downloading "+url) confirm = tools.rawInput("Delete previous version ? [y/N] ") if confirm.lower() == 'y': if not backend.deleteId(entry): if not backend.deleteFile(entry): tools.warning("Unable to remove previous version.") return print("Previous version successfully deleted.") if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="A bibliography " + "management tool.") subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help="sub-command help") parser_download = subparsers.add_parser('download', help="download help") parser_download.add_argument('-t', '--type', default=None, choices=['article', 'book'], help="type of the file to download") parser_download.add_argument('-m', '--manual', default=False, action='store_true', help="disable auto-download of bibtex") parser_download.add_argument('-y', default=False, help="Confirm all") parser_download.add_argument('--tag', default='', help="Tag") parser_download.add_argument('url', nargs='+', help="url of the file to import") parser_download.set_defaults(func='download') parser_import = subparsers.add_parser('import', help="import help") parser_import.add_argument('-t', '--type', default=None, choices=['article', 'book'], help="type of the file to import") parser_import.add_argument('-m', '--manual', default=False, action='store_true', help="disable auto-download of bibtex") parser_import.add_argument('-y', default=False, help="Confirm all") parser_import.add_argument('--tag', default='', help="Tag") parser_import.add_argument('file', nargs='+', help="path to the file to import") parser_import.add_argument('--skip', nargs='+', help="path to files to skip", default=[]) parser_import.set_defaults(func='import') parser_delete = subparsers.add_parser('delete', help="delete help") parser_delete.add_argument('entries', metavar='entry', nargs='+', help="a filename or an identifier") parser_delete.add_argument('--skip', nargs='+', help="path to files to skip", default=[]) group = parser_delete.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group.add_argument('--id', action="store_true", default=False, help="id based deletion") group.add_argument('--file', action="store_true", default=False, help="file based deletion") parser_delete.add_argument('-f', '--force', default=False, action='store_true', help="delete without confirmation") parser_delete.set_defaults(func='delete') parser_edit = subparsers.add_parser('edit', help="edit help") parser_edit.add_argument('entries', metavar='entry', nargs='+', help="a filename or an identifier") parser_edit.add_argument('--skip', nargs='+', help="path to files to skip", default=[]) group = parser_edit.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group.add_argument('--id', action="store_true", default=False, help="id based deletion") group.add_argument('--file', action="store_true", default=False, help="file based deletion") parser_edit.set_defaults(func='edit') parser_list = subparsers.add_parser('list', help="list help") parser_list.set_defaults(func='list') parser_search = subparsers.add_parser('search', help="search help") parser_search.set_defaults(func='search') parser_open = subparsers.add_parser('open', help="open help") parser_open.add_argument('ids', metavar='id', nargs='+', help="an identifier") parser_open.set_defaults(func='open') parser_export = subparsers.add_parser('export', help="export help") parser_export.add_argument('ids', metavar='id', nargs='+', help="an identifier") parser_export.set_defaults(func='export') parser_resync = subparsers.add_parser('resync', help="resync help") parser_resync.set_defaults(func='resync') parser_update = subparsers.add_parser('update', help="update help") parser_update.add_argument('--entries', metavar='entry', nargs='+', help="a filename or an identifier") parser_update.set_defaults(func='update') parser_search = subparsers.add_parser('search', help="search help") parser_search.add_argument('query', metavar='entry', nargs='+', help="your query, see README for more info.") parser_search.set_defaults(func='search') args = parser.parse_args() try: if args.func == 'download': skipped = [] for url in args.url: new_name = downloadFile(url, args.type, args.manual, args.y, args.tag) if new_name is not False: print(url+" successfully imported as "+new_name) else: tools.warning("An error occurred while downloading "+url) skipped.append(url) if len(skipped) > 0: print("\nSkipped files:") for i in skipped: print(i) sys.exit() if args.func == 'import': skipped = [] for filename in list(set(args.file) - set(args.skip)): new_name = addFile(filename, args.type, args.manual, args.y, args.tag) if new_name is not False: print(filename+" successfully imported as " + new_name+".") else: tools.warning("An error occurred while importing " + filename) skipped.append(filename) if len(skipped) > 0: print("\nSkipped files:") for i in skipped: print(i) sys.exit() elif args.func == 'delete': skipped = [] for filename in list(set(args.entries) - set(args.skip)): if not args.force: confirm = tools.rawInput("Are you sure you want to " + "delete "+filename+" ? [y/N] ") else: confirm = 'y' if confirm.lower() == 'y': if args.file or not backend.deleteId(filename): if args.id or not backend.deleteFile(filename): tools.warning("Unable to delete "+filename) sys.exit(1) print(filename+" successfully deleted.") else: skipped.append(filename) if len(skipped) > 0: print("\nSkipped files:") for i in skipped: print(i) sys.exit() elif args.func == 'edit': for filename in list(set(args.entries) - set(args.skip)): if args.file: file_id = 'file' elif args.id: file_id = 'id' else: file_id = 'both' editEntry(filename, file_id) sys.exit() elif args.func == 'list': listPapers = tools.listDir(config.get("folder")) listPapers.sort() for paper in listPapers: if tools.getExtension(paper) not in [".pdf", ".djvu"]: continue print(paper) elif args.func == 'search': raise Exception('TODO') elif args.func == 'open': for filename in args.ids: if not openFile(filename): sys.exit("Unable to open file associated " + "to ident "+filename) sys.exit() elif args.func == 'export': bibtex = '' for id in args.ids: bibtex += tools.parsed2Bibtex(backend.getBibtex(id, clean=True)) print(bibtex.strip()) sys.exit elif args.func == 'resync': confirm = tools.rawInput("Resync files and bibtex index? [y/N] ") if confirm.lower() == 'y': resync() sys.exit() elif args.func == 'update': if args.entries is None: entries = backend.getEntries() else: entries = args.entries for entry in entries: update(entry) sys.exit() except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit()