#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import subprocess import sys import tools PACKAGE_BASE_PATH = "/var/cache/pacman/pkg/" ARCH = "x86_64" def is_installed(package): """ Check whether the specified package is installed or not. """ try: subprocess.check_output(["pacman", "-Qs", package]) return True except subprocess.CalledProcessError: return False def get_file_from_package(file): """ Get the specified file from the corresponding package archive from pacman cache. Returns None and print an error message if unable to find the archive in the pacman cache. """ # /var/cache/pacman/pkg/lvm2-2.02.116-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz # Find the package try: pacman_raw = subprocess.check_output(["pacman", "-Qo", file]) pacman_raw = pacman_raw.decode("utf-8").strip() package, version = pacman_raw.split(" ")[-2:] except subprocess.CalledProcessError: print("Unable to find a package owning file " + file + ".", file=sys.stderr) return None # Remove leading / if present file = file.lstrip("/") # Get the path to the package package_archive = package + "-" + version + "-" + ARCH + ".pkg.tar.xz" package_path = PACKAGE_BASE_PATH + package_archive # Untar the package file try: raw = subprocess.check_output(["bsdtar", "-xOf", package_path, file], stderr=open(os.devnull, 'w')) raw = raw.decode("utf-8") except subprocess.CalledProcessError: try: package_path = package_path.replace(ARCH, "any") raw = subprocess.check_output(["bsdtar", "-xOf", package_path, file], stderr=open(os.devnull, 'w')) raw = raw.decode("utf-8") except subprocess.CalledProcessError: print("Unable to untar package archive " + package_path + ".", file=sys.stderr) return None return raw def list_packages_in_group(group): """ List all the packages member of a given group. """ pacman_raw = subprocess.check_output(["pacman", "-Sg", group]) pacman_raw = pacman_raw.decode("utf-8").strip() return [i.split(" ")[1] for i in pacman_raw.split("\n")] def list_modified_config_files(packages=[]): """ List all the manually modified configuration files. packages is an optionnal filtering list of packages. Defaults to [] which means "all the packages". """ # TODO: diff pacman_raw = subprocess.check_output(["pacman", "-Qii"] + packages) pacman_raw = pacman_raw.decode("utf-8").strip() modified_list = [i.split("\t")[1] for i in pacman_raw.split("\n") if i.startswith("MODIFIED")] return modified_list def list_installed_packages(): """ List all the installed packages (native, not AUR). If a group of packages is completely installed, those packages will be replaced by the matching group name. """ # Get a list of all the explicitly installed packages pacman_packages_raw = subprocess.check_output(["pacman", "-Qenq"]) pacman_packages_raw = pacman_packages_raw.decode("utf-8").strip() packages_list = pacman_packages_raw.split("\n") # Get a list of all the explicitly installed packages, part of a group pacman_groups_raw = subprocess.check_output(["pacman", "-Qgenq"]) pacman_groups_raw = pacman_groups_raw.decode("utf-8").strip() # Store the installed packages of each group groups_packages = {} for i in pacman_groups_raw.split("\n"): group, package = i.split(" ") if group in groups_packages: groups_packages[group] += [package] else: groups_packages[group] = [package] # Check if the whole group has been installed for group in groups_packages: # List of packages in the group not explicitly installed diff = set(list_packages_in_group(group)).difference( set(groups_packages[group])) # Check that they are installed anyway diff_are_all_installed = True for package in diff: if package not in packages_list: diff_are_all_installed = False break if diff_are_all_installed: # If the whole group has been installed, replace its packages in # the packages list by itself for package in groups_packages[group]: try: packages_list.remove(package) except ValueError: pass packages_list.append(group) return packages_list def list_installed_aur_packages(): """ List all the explicitly installed AUR packages. """ pacman_raw = subprocess.check_output(["pacman", "-Qemq"]) pacman_raw = pacman_raw.decode("utf-8").split("\n") return pacman_raw def list_new_config_files(): """ List all the config files under /etc that are not directly coming from a packet. """ # Get all the config files under /etc owned by a package pacman = subprocess.Popen(["pacman", "-Qq"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) pacman_raw = subprocess.check_output(["pacman", "-Ql", "-"], stdin=pacman.stdout) pacman_raw = pacman_raw.decode("utf-8").strip() etc_files = [i.split(" ")[-1] for i in pacman_raw.split("\n")] etc_files = [i for i in etc_files if i.startswith("/etc") and os.path.isfile(i)] # Get all the files under /etc, in the filesystem fs_etc_files = tools.list_directory("/etc/", lambda x: os.path.isfile(x)) # Diff the two raw_diff = set(fs_etc_files).difference(set(etc_files)) diff = [] # Filter etc files for i in raw_diff: if i.startswith("/etc/certs/"): continue if i.startswith("/etc/ssl/certs"): continue if i.startswith("/etc/ca-certificates"): continue # Do not append if binary file check_binary_raw = subprocess.check_output(["file", i]) check_binary_raw = check_binary_raw.decode("utf-8") if "text" not in check_binary_raw: continue diff.append(i) return diff