#!/usr/bin/python #TODO : gitignore import sys import shutil import os import datetime import subprocess def isset(variable): return variable in locals() or variable in globals() def list_directory(path): fichier=[] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): for i in files: fichier.append(os.path.join(root, i)) return fichier def get_tags(fh): line = fh.readline() while "@tags=" not in line: line = fh.readline() if "@tags" not in line: return [] line = line.strip() #Delete \n at the end of the line tag_pos = line.find("@tags=") tags = line[tag_pos+6:].split(",") return tags def latest_articles(directory, number): now = datetime.datetime.now() counter = 0 latest_articles = [] for i in range(int(now.strftime('%Y')), 0, -1): if counter>=number: break if os.path.isdir(directory+"/"+str(i)): for j in range(12, 0, -1): if j<10: j = "0"+str(j) if os.path.isdir(directory+"/"+str(i)+"/"+str(j)): articles_list = list_directory(directory+str(i)+"/"+str(j)) articles_list.sort(key=lambda x: os.stat(x).st_mtime) #Sort by date the articles latest_articles += articles_list[:number-counter] if len(latest_articles) < number-counter: counter+=len(articles_list) else: counter=number #Delete directory in file names return latest_articles def auto_dir(path): directory = os.path.dirname(path) try: if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) except IOError: sys.exit("[ERROR] An error occured while creating "+path+" file and parent dirs.") #Find the changes to be committed try: #TODO : Check this command changes = subprocess.check_output(["git", "diff", "--cached", "--name-status"], universal_newlines=True) except: sys.exit("[ERROR] An error occured when running git diff.") #Set parameters with open("raw/params", "r") as params_fh: params = {} for line in params_fh.readlines(): option, value = line.split("=", 1) params[option.strip()] = value.strip() #Fill lists for modified, deleted and added files modified_files = [] deleted_files = [] added_files = [] changes = changes.strip().split("\n") if changes == [""]: sys.exit("[ERROR] Nothing to do...") for changed_file in changes: if changed_file[0] == "A": added_files.append(changed_file[changed_file.index("\t")+1:]) elif changed_file[0] == "M": modified_files.append(changed_file[changed_file.index("\t")+1:]) elif changed_file[0] == "D": deleted_files.append(changed_file[changed_file.index("\t")+1:]) else: sys.exit("[ERROR] An error occured when running git diff.") #Only keep modified raw articles files for filename in list(added_files): if filename[:4] != "raw/": added_files.remove(filename) continue try: int(filename[4:8]) except ValueError: added_files.remove(filename) continue if filename[-4:] != "html" and filename[-6:] != "ignore": print("[INFO] (Not HTML file) Copying directly not html file "+filename[4:]+" to blog dir.") auto_dir("blog/"+filename[4:]) shutil.copy(filename, "blog/"+filename[4:]) added_files.remove(filename) continue if filename[-6:] == "ignore": print("[INFO] (Not published) Found not published article "+filename[4:-7]+".") added_files.remove(filename) continue for filename in list(modified_files): if filename[:4] != "raw/": modified_files.remove(filename) continue try: int(filename[4:6]) except ValueError: modified_files.remove(filename) continue if filename[-4:] != "html" and filename[-6:] != "ignore": print("[INFO] (Not HTML file) Updating directly not html file "+filename[4:]+" to blog dir.") auto_dir("blog/"+filename[4:]) shutil.copy(filename, "blog/"+filename[4:]) modified_files.remove(filename) continue if filename[-6:] == "ignore": print("[INFO] (Not published) Found not published article "+filename[4:-7]+".") added_files.remove(filename) continue for filename in list(deleted_files): if filename[:4] != "raw/": deleted_files.remove(filename) continue try: int(filename[4:6]) except ValueError: deleted_files.remove(filename) continue if filename[-4:] != "html" and filename[-6:] != "ignore": print("[INFO] (Not HTML file) Copying directly not html file "+filename[4:]+" to blog dir.") auto_dir("blog/"+filename[4:]) shutil.copy(filename, "blog/"+filename[4:]) deleted_files.remove(filename) continue if filename[-6:] == "ignore": print("[INFO] (Not published) Found not published article "+filename[4:-7]+".") added_files.remove(filename) continue print("[INFO] Added files : "+", ".join(added_files)) print("[INFO] Modified files : "+", ".join(modified_files)) print("[INFO] Deleted filed : "+", ".join(deleted_files)) print("[INFO] Updating tags for added and modified files") for filename in added_files: try: with open(filename, 'r') as fh: tags = get_tags(fh) if len(tags) > 0: for tag in tags: try: auto_dir("gen/tags/"+tag+".tmp") with open("gen/tags/"+tag+".tmp", 'a+') as tag_file: tag_file.seek(0) if filename[4:] not in tag_file.read(): tag_file.write(filename[4:]+"\n") print("[INFO] (TAGS) Found tag "+tag+" for article "+filename[4:]) except IOError: sys.exit("[ERROR] (TAGS) New tag found but error occured in article "+filename[4:]+": "+tag+".") else: sys.exit("[ERROR] (TAGS) In added article "+filename[4:]+" : No tags found !") except IOError: sys.exit("[ERROR] Unable to open file "+filename+".") for filename in modified_files: try: with open(filename, 'r') as fh: tags = get_tags(fh) if(len(tags)) > 0: for tag in list_directory("gen/tags/"): try: with open(tag, 'r+') as tag_file: if tag[tag.index("tags/") + 5:tag.index(".tmp")] in tags and filename[4:] not in tag_file.read(): tag_file.seek(0, 2) #Append to end of file tag_file.write(filename[4:]+"\n") print("[INFO] (TAGS) Found new tag "+tag[:tag.index(".tmp")]+" for modified article "+filename[4:]) tags.remove(tag_file[9:]) if tag[tag.index("tags/") + 5:tag_index(".tmp")] not in tags and filename[4:] in tag_file.read(): old_tag_file_content = tag_file.read() tag_file.truncate() tag_file.write(old_tag_file_content.replace(filename[4:]+"\n", "")) print("[INFO] (TAGS) Deleted tag "+tag[:tag.index(".tmp")]+" in modified article "+filename[4:]) tags.remove(tag_file[9:]) except IOError: sys.exit("[ERROR] (TAGS) An error occured when parsing tags of article "+filename[4:]+".") for tag in tags: #New tags added try: auto_dir("gen/tags/"+tag+".tmp") with open("gen/tags/"+tag+".tmp", "a+") as tag_file: tag_file.write(filename[4:]+"\n") print("[INFO] (TAGS) Found new tag "+tag+" for modified article "+filename[4:]) except IOError: sys.exit("[ERROR] (TAGS) An error occured when parsing tags of article "+filename[4:]+".") else: sys.exit("[ERROR] (TAGS) In modified article "+filename[4:]+" : No tags found !") except IOError: sys.exit("[ERROR] Unable to open file "+filename+".") #Delete tags for deleted files and delete all generated files for filename in deleted_files: try: with open(filename, 'r') as fh: tags = get_tags(fh) if len(tags) > 0: for tag in tags: try: with open("gen/tags/"+tag+".tmp", 'r+') as tag_file: old_tag_file_content = tag_file.read() tag_file.truncate() #Delete file in tag tag_file.write(old_tag_file_content.replace(filename[4:]+"\n", "")) except IOError: sys.exit("[ERROR] An error occured while deleting article "+filename[4:]+" from tags files.") else: sys.exit("[ERROR] (TAGS) In deleted article "+filename[4:]+" : No tags found !") except IOError: sys.exit("[ERROR] Unable to open file "+filename+".") #Delete generated files try: os.unlink("gen/"+filename[4:-5]+".gen") os.unlink("blog/"+filename[4:]) except FileNotFoundError: print("[INFO] Article "+filename[4:]+" was not already generated. You should check manually.") print("[INFO] Deleted article "+filename[4:]+" in both gen and blog directories") #Delete empty tags files for tag in list_directory("gen/tags"): try: with open(tag, 'r') as tag_file: content = tag_file.read().strip() if content == '': try: os.unlink(tag) os.unlink(tag.replace("gen", "blog")) except FileNotFoundError: print("[INFO] "+tag+" was found to be empty but there was an error during deletion. You should check manually.") print("[INFO] (TAGS) No more article with tag "+tag[8:-4]+", deleting it.") except IOError: sys.exit("[ERROR] Unable to open "+tag+".") #(Re)Generate HTML files for filename in added_files+modified_files: try: with open(filename, 'r') as fh: #Generate HTML for the updated articles for line in fh.readlines(): if "@title=" in line: line = line.strip() title_pos = line.find("@title=") title = line[title_pos+7:] continue if "@date=" in line: line = line.strip() date_pos = line.find("@date=") date = line[date_pos+6:] continue if isset("date") and isset("title"): break fh.seek(0) article = fh.read() date = "Le "+date[0:2]+"/"+date[2:4]+"/"+date[4:8]+" à "+date[9:11]+":"+date[11:13] try: auto_dir("gen/"+filename[4:-5]+".gen") with open("gen/"+filename[4:-5]+".gen", 'w') as article_file: article_file.write("




\n") print("[GEN ARTICLES] Article "+filename[4:]+" generated") except IOError: print("[GEN ARTICLES ERROR] An error occurred while generating article "+filename[4:]) except IOError: sys.exit("[ERROR] Unable to open file "+filename+".") #Generate headers file (except title) try: with open("raw/header.html", "r") as header_fh: #Tags tags = list_directory("gen/tags") header = header_fh.read() tags_header = "" header = header.replace("@categories", tags_header, 1) header = header.replace("@blog_url", params["BLOG_URL"], 1) #Articles latest_articles_list = latest_articles("gen/", 5) articles_header = "" header = header.replace("@articles", articles_header, 1) try: auto_dir("gen/header.gen") with open("gen/header.gen", "w") as header_gen_fh: header_gen_fh.write(header) print("[INFO] (HEADER) Header has been generated successfully.") except FileNotFoundError: sys.exit("[ERROR] (HEADER) An error occured while writing header file.") except IOError: sys.exit("[ERROR] Unable to open gen/header.gen for writing.") except IOError: sys.exit("[ERROR] Unable to open raw/header.html file.") #Generate footer file if not os.path.isfile("raw/footer.html"): sys.exit("[ERROR] (FOOTER) Footer file (raw/footer.html) not found.") try: shutil.copy("raw/footer.html", "gen/footer.gen") print("[INFO] (FOOTER) Footer has been generated successfully") except IOError: sys.exit("[ERROR] Unable to copy the footer.html file.") #Copy CSS files if not os.path.isfile("raw/css") or list_directory("raw/css") == []: print("[INFO] (CSS) No CSS files in raw/css folder") else: try: shutil.copytree("raw/css", "blog/css") except IOError: sys.exit("[ERROR] An error occured while copying css files.") #Regenerate index file last_25_articles = latest_articles("gen/", int(params["NB_ARTICLES_INDEX"])) try: auto_dir("blog/index.html") with open("blog/index.html", "w") as index_fh: try: with open("gen/header.gen", "r") as header_gen_fh: index = header_gen_fh.read() for article in last_25_articles: with open(article, "r") as article_fh: index += article_fh.read() with open("gen/footer.gen") as footer_gen_fh: index += footer_gen_fh.read() index = index.replace("@titre", params["BLOG_TITLE"], 1) index_fh.write(index) print("[INFO] (INDEX) Index page has been generated successfully.") except IOError: sys.exit("[ERROR] Error while creating index.html file") except IOError: sys.exit("[ERROR] Unable to open index.html file for writing.") #Regenerate tags pages for tag in list_directory("gen/tags"): try: auto_dir(tag.replace("gen/", "blog/")) with open(tag.replace("gen/", "blog/")[:-4]+".html", "w") as tag_fh: with open(tag, "r") as tag_gen_fh: with open("gen/header.gen", "r") as header_fh: tag_content = header_fh.read() tag_content = tag_content.replace("@titre", params["BLOG_TITLE"]+" - "+tag[4:-4], 1) tag_gen_fh_lines = tag_gen_fh.readlines() for line in tag_gen_fh_lines: line = line.replace(".html", ".gen") with open("gen/"+line.strip(), "r") as article_handler: tag_content += article_handler.read() with open("gen/footer.gen", "r") as footer_handler: tag_content += footer_handler.read() tag_fh.write(tag_content) print("[INFO] (TAGS) Tag page for "+tag[9:-4]+" has been generated successfully.") except IOError: sys.exit("[ERROR] An error occured while generating tag page \""+tag[9:-4]+"\"") #Finish articles pages generation for filename in added_files+modified_files: try: auto_dir("blog/"+filename[4:]) with open("blog/"+filename[4:], "w") as article_fh: with open("gen/header.gen", "r") as header_gen_fh: article = header_gen_fh.read() with open("gen/"+filename[4:-5]+".gen", "r") as article_gen_fh: line = article_gen_fh.readline() while "@title" not in line: line = article_gen_fh.readline() line = line.strip() title_pos = line.find("@title=") title = line[title_pos+7:] article_gen_fh.seek(0) article = article.replace("@titre", params["BLOG_TITLE"]+" - "+title, 1) article += article_gen_fh.read() with open("gen/footer.gen", "r") as footer_gen_fh: article += footer_gen_fh.read() article_fh.write(article) print("[INFO] (ARTICLES) Article page for "+filename[4:]+" has been generated successfully.") except IOError: sys.exit("[ERROR] An error occured while generating article "+filename[4:]+" page.") #Generate RSS #TODO