137 lines
4.1 KiB
137 lines
4.1 KiB
import sys
import shutil
import os
import datetime
def listdirectory(path):
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
for i in files:
fichier.append(os.path.join(root, i))
return fichier
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
#If no argument specified, nothing to do
sys.exit("Script expects at least one parameter")
for filename in sys.argv[1:]:
#Create new empty files in tags dir if new categories appeared
with open(filename, 'r') as fh:
line = fh.readline()
while "@tags=" not in line:
line = fh.readline()
line = line.strip() #Delete \n at the end of the line
tag_pos = line.find("@tags=")
tags = line[tag_pos+6:].split(",")
for tag in tags:
with open("gen/tags/"+tag+".tmp", 'a+') as tag_file:
if filename[4:] not in tag_file.read():
tag_file.write(filename[4:]+"\n") #Assuming filename is relative to the repertory with .git
print("[TAGS] Found tag "+tag+" for article "+filename[4:])
except IOError:
print("[TAG ERROR] New tag found but error occured : "+tag)
#Generate HTML for the updated articles
line = fh.readline()
while "@title=" not in line:
line = fh.readline()
line = line.strip()
title_pos = line.find("@title=")
title = line[title_pos+7:]
line = fh.readline()
while "@date=" not in line:
line = fh.readline()
line = line.strip()
date_pos = line.find("@date=")
date = line[date_pos+6:]
article = fh.read()
with open("gen/"+filename[4:-5]+".gen", 'w') as article_file:
article_file.write("<article><nav class=\"aside_article\"></nav><div class=\"article\"><h1>"+title+"</h1>"+article+"<p class=\"date\">"+date+"</p></div>\n")
print("[GEN ARTICLES] Article "+filename[4:]+" generated")
print("[GEN ARTICLES ERROR] An error occurred while generating article "+filename[4:])
#Generate headers file (except title)
with open("raw/header.html") as header_fh:
tags = os.listdir("gen/tags")
header = header_fh.read()
tags_header = "<ul>"
for tag in tags:
tags_header += "<li><a href=\"tags/"+tag[:-4]+".html\">"+tag[:-4]+"</a></li>"
tags_header += "</ul>"
header = header.replace("@categories", tags_header, 1)
latest_articles = listdirectory("gen")
latest_articles = [i for i in latest_articles if i[4:8].isdigit()]
articles_header = "<ul>"
for article in latest_articles[0:5]: # ??? TODO
with open(article, 'r') as fh:
line = fh.readline()
while "@title" not in line:
line = fh.readline()
line = line.strip()
title_pos = line.find("@title=")
title = line[title_pos+7:]
articles_header += "<li><a href=\""+article[4:-4]+".html\">"+title+"</a></li>"
articles_header += "</ul>"
header = header.replace("@articles", articles_header, 1)
with open("gen/header.gen", "w") as header_gen_fh:
print("[GEN HEADER] Header has been generated successfully")
#Generate footer file
shutil.copy("raw/footer.html", "gen/footer.gen")
print("[GEN FOOTER] Footer has been generated successfully")
#Regenerate index file
#* First, get last 25 articles
count = 0
this_year = datetime.now().year
this_month = datetime.now().month
#* Try this year, first
for article in listdir("gen/"+this_year+"/"+this_month):
if not is_dir("gen/"+this_year+"/"+this_month+"/"+article):
count += 1
date = article
last_25[date] = article
#* Then, get back progressively
#* Then generate effectively the index file
#Regenerate tags pages
for tag in listdir("gen/tags"):
if not isdir(tag):
with open(tag) as tag_fh:
with open("gen/header.gen") as header_handler:
tag_content = header_handler.read()
tag_content.replace("<title>@titre</title", "<title>"+tag+"</title>")
while line = tag_fh.readline():
line = line.replace(".html", ".gen")
with open("gen/"+line) as article_handler:
tag_content += "<section>"+article_handler.read()+"</section>\n"
with open("gen/footer.gen") as footer_handler:
tag_content += footer_handler.read()
#Finish articles pages generation
#Generate RSS