array( 'method'=>"GET", 'header'=>"Accept-language: fr\r\n" . "Referer: ".$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']. "User-Agent: Velib service at (contact : \r\n" ) ); $context = stream_context_create($opts); //Check wether the position was updated //------------------------------------- //Convert latitude and longitude to degrees (useful for calculation) $latitude = deg2rad((float) $_POST['latitude']); $longitude = deg2rad((float) $_POST['longitude']); $a = pow(sin($_SESSION['latitude'] - $latitude)/2, 2) + cos($latitude)*cos($_SESSION['latitude'])*pow(sin($_SESSION['longitude'] - $longitude)/2, 2); $c = 2*atan2(sqrt($a),sqrt(1-$a)); $R = 6371000; $distance = $R*$c; if(empty($_SESSION['latitude']) || empty($_SESSION['longitude']) || empty($_SESSION['reverse_geolocation']) || $distance >= 25 || empty($_SESSION['distances'])) { $_SESSION['latitude'] = $_POST['latitude']; $_SESSION['longitude'] = $_POST['longitude']; $updated_position = true; } //If yes, update the address if($updated_position) { $reverse_geolocation_json = file_get_contents($_POST['reverse_geolocation_provider']."?format=json&lat=".$_POST['latitude']."&lon=".$_POST['longitude']."&zoom=18&addressdetails=1&email=".$_POST['email'], false, $context); $reverse_geolocation_json = json_decode($reverse_geolocation_json, true); $reverse_geolocation = ''; foreach($reverse_geolocation_json['address'] as $key=>$element) { if($key == 'city') break; if(!empty($reverse_geolocation)) $reverse_geolocation .= ", "; $reverse_geolocation .= $element; } $_SESSION['reverse_geolocation'] = $reverse_geolocation; } else //Else, keep what was stored in session { $reverse_geolocation = $_SESSION['reverse_geolocation']; } if(is_file('data/data')) //And open the data file { $data = unserialize(gzinflate(base64_decode(file_get_contents('data/data')))); $stations = $data[1]; } else exit("[{'error': '

La liste des stations n'a pu être récupérée. Essayez de la mettre à jour manuellement.

'}]"); if(!empty($_POST['station'])) //If we want information about a specific station { $stations_used[$_POST['station']] = $stations[$_POST['station']]; //We only use it - little trick to keep the same code } else { $stations_used = $stations; //Else, we use all the stations } if($updated_position) //If position updated { unset($_SESSION['distances']); //Compute the distance foreach($stations_used as $key=>$station) //We start by sorting the stations by distance to me { $station_lat = deg2rad($station['lat']); $station_lng = deg2rad($station['lng']); $a = pow(sin($station_lat - $latitude)/2, 2) + cos($latitude)*cos($station_lat)*pow(sin($station_lng - $longitude)/2, 2); $c = 2*atan2(sqrt($a),sqrt(1-$a)); $R = 6371000; $distances[$key] = $R*$c; } asort($distances); if(!empty($_POST['station'])) //But store the result only if not computed for a single station $_SESSION['distances'] = array_slice($distances, 0, 10, true); //Store the 10 first values in session } else //Else, get the result stored { if(empty($_POST['station'])) $distances = $_SESSION['distances']; //If list required, get the currently stored list else //Else, get the only one we want $distances[(int) $_POST['station']] = $_SESSION['distances'][(int) $_POST['station']]; } //Print the JSON echo '[{"reverse_geolocation": "'.htmlentities($reverse_geolocation).'"}, '; $i = 0; foreach($distances as $key=>$distance) //Print the information about the 10 nearest stations { if($i >= 10) break; //Get number of velibs / parkings available if($stations[$key]['updated'] < time() - 60) //If data is older than 1 minute, update it { //Mise à jour du tableau $station_xml = simplexml_load_file(''.$stations[$key]['id']); $stations[$key]['updated'] = time(); //Update the stations array $stations[$key]['available'] = (int) $station_xml->available; $stations[$key]['free'] = (int) $station_xml->free; $stations[$key]['open'] = (int) $station_xml->open; $updated_stations = true; //We updated the array (so we must update the data file) } $number = (!empty($_POST['free'])) ? $stations[$key]['free'] : $stations[$key]['available']; //Get the number of velibs / parkings ($stations is always up to date or acceptable) if($number != 0 && $stations[$key]['open'] == 1) //If this station is interesting and opened { echo '{"key": "'.(int) $key.'", "dist": "'.(int) $distance.'", "bonus": "'.(int) $stations[$key]['bonus'].'", "lat": "'.(float) $stations[$key]['lat'].'", "lng": "'.(float) $stations[$key]['lng'].'", "nombre": "'.(int) $number.'", "nom": "'.substr($stations[$key]['name'], strpos($stations[$key]['name'], "-")+1).'"'; if(!empty($_POST['station'])) //If we only want content about this station, get the directions and the address { if($updated_position || empty($_SESSION['directions']) || $_SESSION['directions']['key'] != $_POST['station']) //Check wether position was updated, session var doesn't exist or routes isn't stored for this particular station { unset($_SESSION['directions']); //Destroy the previous variable if(is_file('data/checksum')) //Checksum is required in OSRM Usage Policy $checksum = '&checksum='.file_get_contents('data/checksum'); else $checksum = ''; $directions_json = file_get_contents($_POST['directions_provider'].'?loc='.$_POST['latitude'].','.$_POST['longitude'].'&loc='.$stations[$key]['lat'].','.$stations[$key]['lng'].'&z=18&output=json&instructions=false&alt=false&geomformat=cmp'.$checksum, false, $context); $directions_json = json_decode($directions_json, true); if(!empty($directions_json['hint_data']['checksum'])) file_put_contents('data/checksum', $directions_json['hint_data']['checksum']); $directions_encoded = json_encode($directions_json['route_geometry']); if(!empty($directions_json['route_geometry'])) echo ', "directions": '.$directions_encoded; else echo ', "directions": ""'; //And then, set new ones $_SESSION['directions']['key'] = (int) $_POST['station']; $_SESSION['directions']['directions'] = $directions_encoded; } else { echo ', "directions": '.$_SESSION['directions']['directions']; } //Get the address echo ', "address": "'.substr($stations[$key]['address'], 0, strpos($stations[$key]['address'], " - 75")+1).'"'; } //Print the JSON data echo '}'; if($i != 9 && $i != count($distances) - 1) //Attention : distance can be less than 9 elements long (if we specify a station for example) echo ', '; $i++; } } echo ']'; //And close the JSON array //If needed, update the data file if($updated_stations) { file_put_contents('data/data', base64_encode(gzdeflate(serialize(array($data[0], $stations))))); } } else exit("[{'error': '

La liste des stations n'a pu être récupérée. Essayez de la mettre à jour manuellement.
