
260 lines
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This file contains POST routes methods.
import bottle
import json
from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError
import database
import tools
from reference_fetcher import arxiv
def create_paper(db):
Create a new resource identified by its DOI or arXiv eprint id.
.. code-block:: bash
POST /papers
Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json
Accept: application/vnd.api+json
"data": {
"doi": "10.1126/science.1252319",
// OR
"arxiv_id": "1401.2910"
.. code-block:: json
"data": {
"type": "papers",
"id": 1,
"attributes": {
"doi": "10.1126/science.1252319",
"arxiv_id": "1401.2910"
"links": {
"self": "/papers/1"
"relationships": {
"cite": {
"links": {
"related": "/papers/1/relationships/cite"
:param db: A database session, injected by the ``Bottle`` plugin.
:returns: An ``HTTPResponse``.
data = json.loads("utf-8"))
# Validate the request
if("data" not in data or
"type" not in data["data"] or
data["data"]["type"] != "papers" or
("doi" not in data["data"] and "arxiv_id" not in data["data"])):
return bottle.HTTPError(403, "Forbidden")
data = data["data"]
if "doi" in data:
paper = create_by_doi(data["doi"], db)
elif "arxiv_id" in data:
paper = create_by_arxiv(data["arxiv"], db)
if paper is None:
return bottle.HTTPError(409, "Conflict")
# Return the resource
response = {
"data": paper.json_api_repr()
# Import "cite" relation
add_cite_relationship(paper, db)
# Return 200 with the correct body
headers = {"Location": "/papers/%d" % (,)}
return tools.APIResponse(status=200,
def create_by_doi(doi, db):
Create a new resource identified by its DOI, if it does not exist.
:param doi: The DOI of the paper.
:param db: A database session.
:returns: ``None`` if insertion failed, the ``Paper`` object otherwise.
paper = database.Paper(doi=doi)
# Try to fetch an arXiv id
arxiv_id = arxiv.get_arxiv_eprint_from_doi(doi)
if arxiv_id:
paper.arxiv_id = arxiv_id
# Add it to the database
except IntegrityError:
# Unique constraint violation, paper already exists
return None
# Return the paper
return paper
def create_by_arxiv(arxiv, db):
Create a new resource identified by its arXiv eprint ID, if it does not
:param arxiv: The arXiv eprint ID.
:param db: A database session.
:returns: ``None`` if insertion failed, the ``Paper`` object otherwise.
paper = database.Paper(arxiv_id=arxiv)
# Try to fetch an arXiv id
doi = arxiv.get_doi(arxiv)
if doi:
paper.doi = doi
# Add it to the database
except IntegrityError:
# Unique constraint violation, paper already exists
return None
# Return the paper
return paper
def add_cite_relationship(paper, db):
Add the "cite" relationships between the provided paper and the papers
referenced by it.
:param paper: The paper to fetch references from.
:param db: A database session
:returns: Nothing.
# TODO: Known bug: too many levels of recursion!
# If paper is on arXiv
if paper.arxiv_id is not None:
# Get the cited DOIs
cited_dois = arxiv.get_cited_dois(paper.arxiv_id)
# Filter out the ones that were not matched
cited_dois = [cited_dois[k]
for k in cited_dois if cited_dois[k] is not None]
for doi in cited_dois:
# Get the associated paper in the db
right_paper = (db.query(database.Paper).
if right_paper is None:
# If paper does not exist in db, add it
right_paper = create_by_doi(doi, db)
# Update cite relationship for this paper, recursively
add_cite_relationship(right_paper, db)
# Update the relationships
update_relationship_backend(,, "cite", db)
# If paper is not on arXiv, nothing to do
def update_relationships(id, name, db):
Update the relationships associated to a given paper.
.. code-block:: bash
POST /papers/1/relationships/cite
Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json
Accept: application/vnd.api+json
"data": [
{ "type": "cite", "id": "2" },
.. code-block:: json
HTTP 204
:param id: The id of the paper to update relationships.
:param name: The name of the relationship to update.
:param db: A database session, passed by Bottle plugin.
:returns: No content. 204 on success, 403 on error.
data = json.loads("utf-8"))
# Validate the request
if "data" not in data:
return bottle.HTTPError(403, "Forbidden")
# Filter data, invalid entries are ignored
data = [i for i in data["data"]
if "type" in i and i["type"] == name and "id" in i]
# Complete replacement (data == []) is forbidden
if len(data) == 0:
return bottle.HTTPError(403, "Forbidden")
# Update all the relationships
for i in data:
updated = update_relationship_backend(id, i["id"], name, db)
if updated is None:
# An error occurred => 403
return bottle.HTTPError(403, "Forbidden")
# Return an empty 204 on success
return tools.APIResponse(status=204, body="")
def update_relationship_backend(left_id, right_id, name, db):
Backend method to update a single relationship between two papers.
:param left_id: ID of the paper on the left of the relationship.
:param right_id: ID of the paper on the right of the relationship.
:param name: Name of the relationship between the two papers.
:param db: A database session.
:returns: The updated left paper on success, ``None`` otherwise.
# Load necessary resources
left_paper = db.query(database.Paper).filter_by(id=left_id).first()
right_paper = db.query(database.Paper).filter_by(id=right_id).first()
if left_paper is None or right_paper is None:
# Abort
return None
relationship = db.query(database.Relationship).filter_by(name=name).first()
if relationship is None:
relationship = database.Relationship(name=name)
# Update the relationship
a = database.Association(
a.right_paper = right_paper
except IntegrityError:
# Unique constraint violation, relationship already exists
return None
return left_paper