""" This file contains POST routes methods. """ import bottle import json from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError import database import tools from reference_fetcher import arxiv def create_paper(db): """ Create a new resource identified by its DOI or arXiv eprint id. ``` POST /papers Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json Accept: application/vnd.api+json { "data": { "doi": "DOI", // OR "arxiv_id": "ARXIV_ID" } } ``` ``` {} TODO ``` """ data = json.loads(bottle.request.body.read().decode("utf-8")) # Validate the request if("data" not in data or "type" not in data["data"] or data["data"]["type"] != "papers" or ("doi" not in data["data"] and "arxiv_id" not in data["data"])): return bottle.HTTPError(403, "Forbidden") data = data["data"] if "doi" in data: paper = create_by_doi(data["doi"], db) elif "arxiv_id" in data: paper = create_by_arxiv(data["arxiv"], db) if paper is None: return bottle.HTTPError(409, "Conflict") # Return the resource response = { "data": paper.json_api_repr() } # Note: Return a 202 as the resource has been accepted but is not yet # processed, especially since its relationships have not yet been fetched. # TODO: Redirection return bottle.HTTPResponse(status=202, body=tools.pretty_json(response)) def create_by_doi(doi, db): """ Create a new resource identified by its DOI, if it does not exist. Return None if insertion failed, the Paper object otherwise. """ paper = database.Paper(doi=doi) # Try to fetch an arXiv id arxiv_id = arxiv.get_arxiv_eprint_from_doi(doi) if arxiv_id: paper.arxiv_id = arxiv_id # Add it to the database try: db.add(paper) db.flush() except IntegrityError: # Unique constraint violation, paper already exists db.rollback() return None # Return the paper return paper def create_by_arxiv(arxiv, db): """ Create a new resource identified by its arXiv eprint ID, if it does not exist. Return None if insertion failed, the Paper object otherwise. """ paper = database.Paper(arxiv_id=arxiv) # Try to fetch an arXiv id doi = arxiv.get_doi(arxiv) if doi: paper.doi = doi # Add it to the database try: db.add(paper) db.flush() except IntegrityError: # Unique constraint violation, paper already exists db.rollback() return None # Return the paper return paper