
267 lines
8.2 KiB

import fetch from "isomorphic-fetch";
import humps from "humps";
import X2JS from "x2js";
import { assembleURLAndParams } from "../utils";
import { i18nRecord } from "../models/i18n";
export const API_VERSION = 350001; /** API version to use. */
export const BASE_API_PATH = "/server/xml.server.php"; /** Base API path after endpoint. */
// Error class to represents errors from these actions.
class APIError extends Error {}
function _checkHTTPStatus (response) {
if (response.status >= 200 && response.status < 300) {
return response;
} else {
return Promise.reject(response.statusText);
function _parseToJSON (responseText) {
var x2js = new X2JS({
attributePrefix: "",
keepCData: false
if (responseText) {
return x2js.xml_str2json(responseText).root;
return Promise.reject(new i18nRecord({
id: "app.api.invalidResponse",
values: {}
function _checkAPIErrors (jsonData) {
if (jsonData.error) {
return Promise.reject(jsonData.error.__cdata + " (" + jsonData.error.code + ")");
} else if (!jsonData) {
// No data returned
return Promise.reject(new i18nRecord({
id: "app.api.emptyResponse",
values: {}
return jsonData;
function _uglyFixes () {
if (typeof _uglyFixes.artistsCount === "undefined" ) {
_uglyFixes.artistsCount = 0;
if (typeof _uglyFixes.albumsCount === "undefined" ) {
_uglyFixes.albumsCount = 0;
if (typeof _uglyFixes.songsCount === "undefined" ) {
_uglyFixes.songsCount = 0;
var _uglyFixesSongs = function (songs) {
return (song) {
// Fix for cdata left in artist and album = song.artist.cdata; = song.album.cdata;
return song;
var _uglyFixesAlbums = function (albums) {
return (album) {
// Fix for absence of distinction between disks in the same album
if (album.disk > 1) { = + " [Disk " + album.disk + "]";
// Move songs one node top
if ( {
album.tracks =;
// Ensure tracks is an array
if (!Array.isArray(album.tracks)) {
album.tracks = [album.tracks];
// Fix tracks
album.tracks = _uglyFixesSongs(album.tracks);
return album;
var _uglyFixesArtists = function (artists) {
return (artist) {
// Move albums one node top
if (artist.albums.album) {
artist.albums = artist.albums.album;
// Ensure albums are an array
if (!Array.isArray(artist.albums)) {
artist.albums = [artist.albums];
// Fix albums
artist.albums = _uglyFixesAlbums(artist.albums);
// Move songs one node top
if ( {
artist.songs =;
// Ensure songs are an array
if (!Array.isArray(artist.songs)) {
artist.songs = [artist.songs];
// Fix songs
artist.songs = _uglyFixesSongs(artist.songs);
return artist;
return jsonData => {
// Ensure items are always wrapped in an array
if (jsonData.artist && !Array.isArray(jsonData.artist)) {
jsonData.artist = [jsonData.artist];
if (jsonData.album && !Array.isArray(jsonData.album)) {
jsonData.album = [jsonData.album];
if ( && !Array.isArray( { = [];
// Keep track of artists count
if (jsonData.artists) {
_uglyFixes.artistsCount = parseInt(jsonData.artists);
// Keep track of albums count
if (jsonData.albums) {
_uglyFixes.albumsCount = parseInt(jsonData.albums);
// Keep track of songs count
if (jsonData.songs) {
_uglyFixes.songsCount = parseInt(jsonData.songs);
// Fix artists
if (jsonData.artist) {
jsonData.artist = _uglyFixesArtists(jsonData.artist);
// Store the total number of items
jsonData.artists = _uglyFixes.artistsCount;
// Fix albums
if (jsonData.album) {
// Fix albums
jsonData.album = _uglyFixesAlbums(jsonData.album);
// Store the total number of items
jsonData.albums = _uglyFixes.albumsCount;
// Fix songs
if ( {
// Fix songs = _uglyFixesSongs(;
// Store the total number of items
jsonData.songs = _uglyFixes.songsCount;
// Add sessionExpire information
if (!jsonData.sessionExpire) {
// Fix for Ampache not returning updated sessionExpire
jsonData.sessionExpire = (new Date( + 3600 * 1000)).toJSON();
return jsonData;
function _normalizeResponse(jsonData) {
return jsonData;
// Fetches an API response and normalizes the result JSON according to schema.
// This makes every API response have the same shape, regardless of how nested it was.
function doAPICall (endpoint, action, auth, username, extraParams) {
const APIAction = extraParams.filter ? action.rstrip("s") : action;
const baseParams = {
version: API_VERSION,
action: APIAction,
auth: auth,
user: username
const params = Object.assign({}, baseParams, extraParams);
const fullURL = assembleURLAndParams(endpoint + BASE_API_PATH, params);
return fetch(fullURL, {
method: "get",
.then (response => response.text())
.then(jsonData => humps.camelizeKeys(jsonData)) // Camelize
// Action key that carries API call info interpreted by this Redux middleware.
export const CALL_API = "CALL_API";
// A Redux middleware that interprets actions with CALL_API info specified.
// Performs the call and promises when such actions are dispatched.
export default store => next => reduxAction => {
if (reduxAction.type !== CALL_API) {
// Do not apply on every action
return next(reduxAction);
const { endpoint, action, auth, username, dispatch, extraParams } = reduxAction.payload;
if (!endpoint || typeof endpoint !== "string") {
throw new APIError("Specify a string endpoint URL.");
if (!action) {
throw new APIError("Specify one of the supported API actions.");
if (!auth) {
throw new APIError("Specify an auth token.");
if (!username) {
throw new APIError("Specify a username.");
if (!Array.isArray(dispatch) || dispatch.length !== 3) {
throw new APIError("Expected an array of three action dispatch.");
if (!dispatch.every(type => typeof type === "function" || type === null)) {
throw new APIError("Expected action to dispatch to be functions or null.");
const [ requestDispatch, successDispatch, failureDispatch ] = dispatch;
if (requestDispatch) {
return doAPICall(endpoint, action, auth, username, extraParams).then(
response => {
if (successDispatch) {
error => {
if (failureDispatch) {
if (error instanceof Error) {
error = error.message;