
36 lines
2.3 KiB

module.exports = {
"app.common.album": "Album", // Album
"app.common.artist": "Artist", // Artist
"app.common.cancel": "Cancel", // Cancel
"app.common.close": "Close", // Close
"app.common.go": "Go", // Go
"": "Song", // Song
"app.filter.filter": "Filter…", // Filtering input placeholder
"app.filter.whatAreWeListeningToToday": "What are we listening to today?", // Description for the filter bar
"app.login.endpointInputAriaLabel": "URL of your Ampache instance (e.g.", // ARIA label for the endpoint input
"app.login.greeting": "Welcome back on Ampache, let's go!", // Greeting to welcome the user to the app
"app.login.password": "Password", // Password input placeholder
"app.login.rememberMe": "Remember me", // Remember me checkbox label
"app.login.signIn": "Sign in", // Sign in
"app.login.username": "Username", // Username input placeholder
"app.pagination.current": "current", // Current (page)
"app.pagination.goToPage": "<span className=\"sr-only\">Go to page </span>{pageNumber}", // Link content to go to page N. span is here for screen-readers
"app.pagination.goToPageWithoutMarkup": "Go to page {pageNumber}", // Link title to go to page N
"app.pagination.pageNavigation": "Page navigation", // ARIA label for the nav block containing pagination
"app.pagination.pageToGoTo": "Page to go to?", // Title of the pagination modal
"app.sidebarLayout.browse": "Browse", // Browse
"app.sidebarLayout.browseAlbums": "Browse albums", // Browse albums
"app.sidebarLayout.browseArtists": "Browse artists", // Browse artists
"app.sidebarLayout.browseSongs": "Browse songs", // Browse songs
"": "Discover", // Discover
"app.sidebarLayout.home": "Home", // Home
"app.sidebarLayout.logout": "Logout", // Logout
"app.sidebarLayout.mainNavigationMenu": "Main navigation menu", // ARIA label for the main navigation menu
"": "Search", // Search
"app.sidebarLayout.settings": "Settings", // Settings
"app.songs.album": "Album", // Album (song)
"app.songs.genre": "Genre", // Genre (song)
"app.songs.length": "Length", // Length (song)
"app.songs.title": "Title", // Title (song)