/** * This implements the auth reducer, storing and updating authentication state. */ // NPM imports import Cookies from "js-cookie"; // Local imports import { createReducer } from "../utils"; // Models import { i18nRecord } from "../models/i18n"; import { tokenRecord, stateRecord } from "../models/auth"; // Actions import { LOGIN_USER_REQUEST, LOGIN_USER_SUCCESS, LOGIN_USER_FAILURE, LOGIN_USER_EXPIRED, LOGOUT_USER } from "../actions"; /** * Initial state, load data from cookies if set */ var initialState = new stateRecord(); // Get token const initialToken = Cookies.getJSON("token"); if (initialToken) { initialToken.expires = new Date(initialToken.expires); initialState = initialState.set( "token", new tokenRecord({ token: initialToken.token, expires: new Date(initialToken.expires) }) ); } // Get username const initialUsername = Cookies.get("username"); if (initialUsername) { initialState = initialState.set( "username", initialUsername ); } // Get endpoint const initialEndpoint = Cookies.get("endpoint"); if (initialEndpoint) { initialState = initialState.set( "endpoint", initialEndpoint ); } // Set remember me if (initialUsername && initialEndpoint) { initialState = initialState.set( "rememberMe", true ); } /** * Reducers */ export default createReducer(initialState, { [LOGIN_USER_REQUEST]: () => { return new stateRecord({ isAuthenticating: true, info: new i18nRecord({ id: "app.login.connecting", values: {} }) }); }, [LOGIN_USER_SUCCESS]: (state, payload) => { return new stateRecord({ "isAuthenticated": true, "token": new tokenRecord(payload.token), "username": payload.username, "endpoint": payload.endpoint, "rememberMe": payload.rememberMe, "info": new i18nRecord({ id: "app.login.success", values: {username: payload.username} }), "timerID": payload.timerID }); }, [LOGIN_USER_FAILURE]: (state, payload) => { return new stateRecord({ "error": payload.error }); }, [LOGIN_USER_EXPIRED]: (state, payload) => { return new stateRecord({ "isAuthenticated": false, "error": payload.error }); }, [LOGOUT_USER]: () => { return new stateRecord({ info: new i18nRecord({ id: "app.login.byebye", values: {} }) }); } });