import { push } from "react-router-redux"; import jsSHA from "jssha"; import Cookies from "js-cookie"; import { CALL_API } from "../middleware/api"; import { i18nRecord } from "../models/i18n"; export const DEFAULT_SESSION_INTERVAL = 1800 * 1000; // 30 mins default function _cleanEndpoint (endpoint) { // Handle endpoints of the form "" if ( !endpoint.startsWith("//") && !endpoint.startsWith("http://") && !endpoint.startsWith("https://")) { endpoint = window.location.protocol + "//" + endpoint; } // Remove trailing slash and store endpoint endpoint = endpoint.replace(/\/$/, ""); return endpoint; } function _buildHMAC (password) { // Handle Ampache HMAC generation const time = Math.floor( / 1000); var shaObj = new jsSHA("SHA-256", "TEXT"); shaObj.update(password); const key = shaObj.getHash("HEX"); shaObj = new jsSHA("SHA-256", "TEXT"); shaObj.update(time + key); return { time: time, passphrase: shaObj.getHash("HEX") }; } export function loginKeepAlive(username, token, endpoint) { return { type: CALL_API, payload: { endpoint: endpoint, dispatch: [ null, null, error => dispatch => { dispatch(loginUserFailure(error || new i18nRecord({ id: "app.login.expired", values: {}}))); } ], action: "ping", auth: token, username: username, extraParams: {} } }; } export const LOGIN_USER_SUCCESS = "LOGIN_USER_SUCCESS"; export function loginUserSuccess(username, token, endpoint, rememberMe, timerID) { return { type: LOGIN_USER_SUCCESS, payload: { username: username, token: token, endpoint: endpoint, rememberMe: rememberMe, timerID: timerID } }; } export const LOGIN_USER_FAILURE = "LOGIN_USER_FAILURE"; export function loginUserFailure(error) { Cookies.remove("username"); Cookies.remove("token"); Cookies.remove("endpoint"); return { type: LOGIN_USER_FAILURE, payload: { error: error } }; } export const LOGIN_USER_REQUEST = "LOGIN_USER_REQUEST"; export function loginUserRequest() { return { type: LOGIN_USER_REQUEST }; } export const LOGOUT_USER = "LOGOUT_USER"; export function logout() { return (dispatch, state) => { const { auth } = state(); if (auth.timerID) { clearInterval(auth.timerID); } Cookies.remove("username"); Cookies.remove("token"); Cookies.remove("endpoint"); dispatch({ type: LOGOUT_USER }); }; } export function logoutAndRedirect() { return (dispatch) => { dispatch(logout()); dispatch(push("/login")); }; } export function loginUser(username, passwordOrToken, endpoint, rememberMe, redirect="/", isToken=false) { endpoint = _cleanEndpoint(endpoint); var time = 0; var passphrase = passwordOrToken; if (!isToken) { // Standard password connection const HMAC = _buildHMAC(passwordOrToken); time = HMAC.time; passphrase = HMAC.passphrase; } else { // Remember me connection if (passwordOrToken.expires < new Date()) { // Token has expired return loginUserFailure("app.login.expired"); } time = Math.floor( / 1000); passphrase = passwordOrToken.token; } return { type: CALL_API, payload: { endpoint: endpoint, dispatch: [ loginUserRequest, jsonData => dispatch => { if (!jsonData.auth || !jsonData.sessionExpire) { return dispatch(loginUserFailure(new i18nRecord({ id: "app.api.error", values: {} }))); } const token = { token: jsonData.auth, expires: new Date(jsonData.sessionExpire) }; // Dispatch success const timerID = setInterval( () => dispatch(loginKeepAlive(username, token.token, endpoint)), DEFAULT_SESSION_INTERVAL ); if (rememberMe) { const cookiesOption = { expires: token.expires }; Cookies.set("username", username, cookiesOption); Cookies.set("token", token, cookiesOption); Cookies.set("endpoint", endpoint, cookiesOption); } dispatch(loginUserSuccess(username, token, endpoint, rememberMe, timerID)); // Redirect dispatch(push(redirect)); }, loginUserFailure ], action: "handshake", auth: passphrase, username: username, extraParams: {timestamp: time} } }; }