import React, { Component, PropTypes } from "react"; import { Link} from "react-router"; import imagesLoaded from "imagesloaded"; import Isotope from "isotope-layout"; import Fuse from "fuse.js"; import _ from "lodash"; import FilterBar from "./FilterBar"; import Pagination from "./Pagination"; export class GridItem extends Component { render () { var nSubItems = this.props.item[this.props.subItemsType]; if (Array.isArray(nSubItems)) { nSubItems = nSubItems.length; } var subItemsLabel = this.props.subItemsType; if (nSubItems < 2) { subItemsLabel = subItemsLabel.rstrip("s"); } const to = "/" + this.props.itemsType.rstrip("s") + "/" +; const id = "grid-item-" + this.props.item.type + "/" +; return (


{nSubItems} {subItemsLabel}
); } } GridItem.propTypes = { item: PropTypes.object.isRequired, itemsType: PropTypes.string.isRequired, subItemsType: PropTypes.string.isRequired }; const ISOTOPE_OPTIONS = { /** Default options for Isotope grid layout. */ getSortData: { name: ".name", nSubitems: ".sub-items .n-sub-items" }, transitionDuration: 0, sortBy: "name", itemSelector: ".grid-item", percentPosition: true, layoutMode: "fitRows", filter: "*", fitRows: { gutter: 0 } }; export class Grid extends Component { constructor (props) { super(props); // Init grid data member this.iso = null; this.handleFiltering = this.handleFiltering.bind(this); } createIsotopeContainer () { if (this.iso == null) { this.iso = new Isotope(this.refs.grid, ISOTOPE_OPTIONS); } } handleFiltering (props) { // If no query provided, drop any filter in use if (props.filterText == "") { return this.iso.arrange(ISOTOPE_OPTIONS); } // Use Fuse for the filter var result = new Fuse( props.items, { "keys": ["name"], "threshold": 0.4, "include": ["score"] }).search(props.filterText); // Apply filter on grid this.iso.arrange({ filter: function () { var name = $(this).find(".name").text(); return result.find(function (item) { return == name; }); }, transitionDuration: "0.4s", getSortData: { relevance: function (item) { var name = $(item).find(".name").text(); return result.reduce(function (p, c) { if ( == name) { return c.score + p; } return p; }, 0); } }, sortBy: "relevance" }); this.iso.updateSortData(); this.iso.arrange(); } shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) { return !_.isEqual(this.props, nextProps) || !_.isEqual(this.state, nextState); } componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { if (!_.isEqual(nextProps.filterText, this.props.filterText)) { this.handleFiltering(nextProps); } } componentDidMount () { // Setup grid this.createIsotopeContainer(); // Only arrange if there are elements to arrange if (_.get(this, "props.items.length", 0) > 0) { this.iso.arrange(); } } componentDidUpdate(prevProps) { // The list of keys seen in the previous render let currentKeys = prevProps.items, (n) => "grid-item-" + n.type + "/" +; // The latest list of keys that have been rendered let newKeys = this.props.items, (n) => "grid-item-" + n.type + "/" +; // Find which keys are new between the current set of keys and any new children passed to this component let addKeys = _.difference(newKeys, currentKeys); // Find which keys have been removed between the current set of keys and any new children passed to this component let removeKeys = _.difference(currentKeys, newKeys); if (removeKeys.length > 0) { _.each(removeKeys, removeKey => this.iso.remove(document.getElementById(removeKey))); this.iso.arrange(); } if (addKeys.length > 0) { this.iso.addItems(, (addKey) => document.getElementById(addKey))); this.iso.arrange(); } var iso = this.iso; // Layout again after images are loaded imagesLoaded(this.refs.grid).on("progress", function() { // Layout after each image load, fix for responsive grid if (!iso) { // Grid could have been destroyed in the meantime return; } iso.layout(); }); } render () { var gridItems = []; const itemsType = this.props.itemsType; const subItemsType = this.props.subItemsType; this.props.items.forEach(function (item) { gridItems.push(); }); return (
{/* Sizing element */}
{/* Other items */} { gridItems }
); } } Grid.propTypes = { items: PropTypes.array.isRequired, itemsType: PropTypes.string.isRequired, subItemsType: PropTypes.string.isRequired, filterText: PropTypes.string }; export default class FilterablePaginatedGrid extends Component { constructor (props) { super(props); this.state = { filterText: "" }; this.handleUserInput = this.handleUserInput.bind(this); } handleUserInput (filterText) { this.setState({ filterText: filterText.trim() }); } render () { const nPages = Math.ceil(this.props.itemsTotalCount / this.props.itemsPerPage); return (
); } } FilterablePaginatedGrid.propTypes = { items: PropTypes.array.isRequired, itemsTotalCount: PropTypes.number.isRequired, itemsPerPage: PropTypes.number.isRequired, currentPage: PropTypes.number.isRequired, location: PropTypes.object.isRequired, itemsType: PropTypes.string.isRequired, subItemsType: PropTypes.string.isRequired };