import Immutable from "immutable"; import { createReducer } from "../utils"; import { stateRecord } from "../models/paginate"; const initialState = new stateRecord(); // Creates a reducer managing pagination, given the action types to handle, // and a function telling how to extract the key from an action. export default function paginate(types) { if (!Array.isArray(types) || types.length !== 3) { throw new Error("Expected types to be an array of three elements."); } if (!types.every(t => typeof t === "string")) { throw new Error("Expected types to be strings."); } const [ requestType, successType, failureType ] = types; return createReducer(initialState, { [requestType]: (state) => { return ( state .set("isFetching", true) .set("error", null) ); }, [successType]: (state, payload) => { return ( state .set("isFetching", false) .set("items", new Immutable.List(payload.items)) .set("error", null) .set("nPages", payload.nPages) .set("currentPage", payload.currentPage) ); }, [failureType]: (state, payload) => { return ( state .set("isFetching", false) .set("error", payload.error) ); } }); }