import logging import lzma import os import re import subprocess import tempfile from pathlib import Path import apksigcopier import jinja2 import lief import requests GADGET_SCRIPT_TEMPLATE = """ Java.perform(function () { /** * Convert an hex-string to an array of int. * * Based on an implementation from crypto-js. * Taken from */ function hexToBytes(hex) { for (var bytes = [], c = 0; c < hex.length; c += 2) { bytes.push(parseInt(hex.substr(c, 2), 16)); } return bytes; } /* * Bypass package certificate hash. * * Altering the APK (embedding frida-gadget + resigning) does change the * SHA-1 of the signing certificate. * * GCM/Firebase sends this to the server to check the APK is authorized in * developer account (they have to declare their signing certificate for * distributed APK embedding GCM/Firebase). * * Hence, GCM/Firebase is no longer working in altered APKs, often * materializing through an "Play Store / Play Services are not available" * error message. * * See * and * * This hook bypasses the certificate check by force-returning the original one. */ // Output of: // keytool -printcert -jarfile "ORIGINAL_UNALTERED_APK.apk" | grep "SHA 1:" var INITIAL_CERTIFICATE_HASH = "{{ initial_certificate_hash }}"; // Output of: // mkdir sigs && apksigcopier extract base.apk sigs // openssl pkcs7 -in sigs/BNDLTOOL.RSA -inform DER -print_certs | openssl x509 -outform DER | xxd -p | tr -d \\n var RAW_SIGNING_CERTIFICATE = "{{ raw_signing_certificate }}"; // Bypass through GMS API var AndroidUtilsLight = Java.use(''); AndroidUtilsLight.getPackageCertificateHashBytes.implementation = function (context, packageName) { var value = Java.array("byte", hexToBytes(INITIAL_CERTIFICATE_HASH.replaceAll(':', ''))) return value; } // Bypass accessing certs through Android package manager API var Signature = Java.use(''); Java.use('').getPackageInfo.overload('java.lang.String', 'int').implementation = function (packageName, flags) { // See // Android API level >= 28 if (packageName == '{{ package_name }}' && flags == 134217728) { var value = this.getPackageInfo(packageName, flags); // Overload the returned signatures value.signingInfo.value.getApkContentsSigners.implementation = function () { // TODO: Handle multiple signers / history return Java.array( '', [Signature.$new(RAW_SIGNING_CERTIFICATE)] ); }; value.signingInfo.value.getSigningCertificateHistory.implementation = function () { return Java.array( '', [Signature.$new(RAW_SIGNING_CERTIFICATE)] ); }; return value; } return this.getPackageInfo(packageName, flags); }; // Also unblock FCM requests. var d = Java.use(''); d.isRequestAllowed.implementation = function () { var ret = this.isRequestAllowed(); return true; }; /* * Log SSL/TLS keys. * * See */ function _log_ssl_keys(SSL_CTX_new, SSL_CTX_set_keylog_callback) { function log_key(ssl, line) { const s_line = new NativePointer(line).readCString(); console.log(s_line); } const keylogCallback = new NativeCallback(log_key, 'void', ['pointer', 'pointer']) Interceptor.attach(SSL_CTX_new, { onLeave: function(retval) { const ssl = new NativePointer(retval); if (!ssl.isNull()) { const SSL_CTX_set_keylog_callbackFn = new NativeFunction(SSL_CTX_set_keylog_callback, 'void', ['pointer', 'pointer']); SSL_CTX_set_keylog_callbackFn(ssl, keylogCallback); } } }); } _log_ssl_keys( Module.findExportByName('', 'SSL_CTX_new'), Module.findExportByName('', 'SSL_CTX_set_keylog_callback') ); }); """ def get_package_name(apk_path): """ Get the package name (com.example) from an APK. :param apk_path: Path to the APK file. :returns: Package name. """ aapt_dump_out = subprocess.check_output( ['aapt', 'dump', 'badging', apk_path] ).decode() return"name='(.*?)'", aapt_dump_out).group(1) def decompress_apk( apk_path, should_not_decode_res=False, should_not_decode_src=True ): """ Decompress APK file using apktool APK is uncompressed in a folder named without the .apk extension in the working directory. :param apk_path: Path to the APK file. :param should_not_decode_res: Do not decode resources. (default False) :param should_not_decode_src: Do not decode sources. Speeds up unpacking/repacking. (default True) """'Uncompressing apk with apktool...') optional_args = [] if should_not_decode_res: optional_args.append('-r') if should_not_decode_src: optional_args.append('-s') return ['apktool', 'd'] + optional_args + [apk_path] ) def inject_frida_gadget(uncompressed_apk_path, target_architecture): """ Inject frida gadget in the libs from the APK. See :param uncompressed_apk_path: Folder of the output from apktool. :param target_architecture: Architecture to target for injection. """ libs_path = Path(uncompressed_apk_path) / 'lib' for dir in os.listdir(libs_path): # Find correct subdirectory based on target architecture if dir.startswith(target_architecture): libs_path = libs_path / dir break libfridagadget_name = '' if not os.path.isfile(libs_path / libfridagadget_name):'Download Frida-gadget into apk libs...') latest_release = requests.get( '' ).json() download_url = next( asset['browser_download_url'] for asset in latest_release['assets'] if ( asset['name'].startswith('frida-gadget-') and asset['name'].endswith(f'-android-{target_architecture}.so.xz') ) ) req = requests.get( download_url ) with open(libs_path / libfridagadget_name, 'wb') as fh: fh.write(lzma.LZMADecompressor().decompress(req.content))'Injecting Frida-gadget lib in apk libs...') apk_libs = [item for item in os.listdir(libs_path)] if not apk_libs: logging.error('APK does not have any lib for injection!') raise Exception('APK does not have any lib for injection!') for lib in apk_libs: libnative = lief.parse(str(libs_path / lib)) libnative.add_library(libfridagadget_name) # Injection! libnative.write(str(libs_path / lib)) def rebuild_apk(uncompressed_apk_path, optional_args=['--use-aapt2']): """ Rebuild APK New (rebuilt) APK is generated in ``dist/`` folder under the unpacked APK tree. :param uncompressed_apk_path: Path to the apk ressources. :param optional_args: Extra arguments to pass to apktool. """'Ensure android:extractNativeLibs is true in the AndroidManifest.xml...') # with open(Path(uncompressed_apk_path) / 'AndroidManifest.xml', 'r') as fh: android_manifest = if 'android:extractNativeLibs="false"' in android_manifest: with open(Path(uncompressed_apk_path) / 'AndroidManifest.xml', 'w') as fh: fh.write( android_manifest.replace( 'android:extractNativeLibs="false"', 'android:extractNativeLibs="true"', ) )'Rebuilding APK...') return ['apktool', 'b'] + optional_args + [uncompressed_apk_path] ) def resign_apk(apk_path): """ Resign the APK with uber apk signer. APK is generated beside the source APK file with a ``-aligned-debugSigned`` suffix. :param apk_path: Path to the APK to sign. """ latest_release = requests.get( '' ).json() download_url, jar_name = next( (asset['browser_download_url'], asset['name']) for asset in latest_release['assets'] if asset['name'].endswith('.jar') ) if not os.path.isfile(jar_name): with open(jar_name, 'wb') as fh: fh.write( requests.get(download_url).content ) return [ 'java', '-jar', jar_name, '-a', apk_path ] ) def prepare_gadget_script(apk_path, package_name): """ Prepare the Frida Gadget script to be loaded upon APK loading to ensure correct behavior of the APK: * Masking re-signing by overloading Android APIs and presenting original certificate hash. * ... Script is generated as ``frida-gadget-script.js`` in the working directory. :param apk_path: Path to the original APK. :param package_name: Name of the package (e.g. `com.example`). """ # Get certificate hash (SHA-1) from the initial APK initial_certificate_hash = ( next( line for line in subprocess.check_output( ['keytool', '-printcert', '-jarfile', apk_path] ).decode().splitlines() if line.strip().startswith('SHA 1') ).strip().replace('SHA 1: ', '') ) # Get the signing certificate from the original APK with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_sig_out_path: # Get certificates from original APK apksigcopier.do_extract(apk_path, tmp_sig_out_path) # Get the hexdump of the certificate cert_file = os.path.join( tmp_sig_out_path, next( file for file in os.listdir(tmp_sig_out_path) if file.endswith('.RSA') ) ) raw_signing_certificate = subprocess.check_output( f'openssl pkcs7 -in {cert_file} -inform DER -print_certs | openssl x509 -outform DER | xxd -p | tr -d \\n', shell=True ).decode() with open('./frida-gadget-script.js', 'w') as fh: template = jinja2.Environment( loader=jinja2.BaseLoader ).from_string(GADGET_SCRIPT_TEMPLATE) fh.write( template.render( initial_certificate_hash=initial_certificate_hash, raw_signing_certificate=raw_signing_certificate, package_name=package_name, ) )